ISO 9001:2015 1st Surveillance Audit

ISO 9001:2015 1st Surveillance Audit

No Name of Office Office Code
1 Accounting Unit ACC
2 Administrative Services Office ASO
3 Agricultural Experiment Center AEC
4 Alumni Relations and Linkages Office ARL
5 Bids and Awards Committee BAC
6 Budget Unit BUD
7 Capability Building Unit CBU
8 Cashiers Unit OUC
9 Center for Biodiversity Research and Extension in Mindanao CEB
10 CMU Press CPR
11 College of Agriculture COA
12 College of Arts and Sciences CAS
13 College of Business and Management CBM
14 College of Education CED
15 College of Engineering COE
16 College of Forestry and Environmental Science FES
17 College of Human Ecology CHE
18 College of Information Science and Computing  
19 College of Nursing CON
20 College of Veterinary Medicine CVM
21 Data Privacy Office DPO
22 Digital Transformation Office DTO
23 Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office DRR
24 Financial Management Services Office FMS
25 General Services Office GSO
26 Health Services Unit HSU
27 Human Resource Management Office HRM
28 Information and Communication Unit ICU
29 Inspectorate Team for Supplies and Materials ITS
30 Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management IPT
31 Internal Audit Services IAS
32 International Relations Office IRO
33 Lead Document Controller LDC
34 Lead Internal Quality Auditor IQA
35 Legal Office LEG
36 Monitoring Evaluation and Documentation Unit MED
38 Mt. Musuan  
38 National Service Training Program NST
39 Natural Products Research and Development Center NPR
40 Natural Science Research Center NSR
41 Office of Admissions, Scholarships and Placement ASP
42 Office of Student Affairs OSA
43 Office of the Director of Instruction DOI
44 Office of the President OUP
45 Office of the University Registrar OUR
46 Project Implementation Unit PIU
47 Public Relations and Information Office PRI
48 Quality Assurance Office QAO
49 Quality Management Representative QMR
50 Records Management Unit RMU
51 Research Office RES
52 Security Services Unit SSU
53 Supply & Property Management Unit SPM
54 Techno Demo Services Unit TDS
55 University Center for Gender and Development GAD
56 University Extension Office UEO
57 University Homestay OUH
58 University Library LIB
59 University Museum  
60 University Planning and Development Office UPD
61 Vice President for Academic Affairs VAA
62 Vice President for Administration VPA
63 Vice President for Research, Development and Extension RDE