ISO 9001:2015 1st Surveillance Audit

ISO 9001:2015 1st Surveillance Audit

No Name of Office Office Code
1 Quality Management Representative QMR
2 Office of the University Registrar OUR
3 Office of the Director of Instruction DOI
4 College of Education CED
5 Internal Audit Services IAS
6 College of Business and Management CBM
7 Office of Admissions, Scholarships and Placement ASP
8 College of Engineering COE
9 International Relations Office IRO
10 College of Agriculture COA
11 Human Resource Management Office HRM
12 College of Arts and Sciences CAS
13 CMU Press CPR
14 Digital Transformation Office DTO
15 Public Relations and Information Office PRI
16 Office of the National Service Training Program NST
17 Administrative Services Office ASO
18 General Services Office GSO