
HIRING: The College of Human Ecology is hiring four (4) faculty members for this 1st semester, S.Y. 2019 – 2020; one (1) faculty member for each Department in the College.

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HIRING UPDATE: Department of Languages and Literature.

The 𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗦𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗗𝗨𝗟𝗘 for the submission of Application and Teaching Demo is NOW on July 20 and 22 respectively. 

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HIRING: The Department of Chemistry, College of Arts & Sciences is in need of Chemistry Instructors.

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IN PHOTOS: MSU General Santos City Benchmarking activity

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HIRING: The Department of Social Science, College of Arts and Science is looking for new Instructors.

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LOOK: 4th Province-wide Inter-High School HISTOLYMPIAD

Competition Guidelines:

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HIRING: The Department of Accountancy, College of Business and Management is looking for new Faculty Members.

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HIRING: The CMU Department of Development Communication is in need of two (2) Research Aides.

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IN PHOTOS: WMSU Benchmarking activity in CMU

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IN PHOTOS: Caraga State University Benchmark on CMULHS’ Best Practices and implementation & Operation of K-12 curriculum and in establishing linkages with schools/agencies for possible transfer of technologies.

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