IN PHOTOS: CMU Musuan Age-groups Tennis Tournament Part 2

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IN PHOTOS: CMU Musuan Age-groups Tennis Tournament Part I

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IN PHOTOS: Freshmen Orientation 2019 Day 3 (Closing Day)

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IN PHOTOS: Freshmen Orientation 2019 Day 2

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IN PHOTOS: The University Administration participated in the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill 2019

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IN PHOTOS: Visitors from ASSCAT had their exit conference

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IN PHOTOS: Coffee farmers under MINSSAD-DAR project from Tangkal, Lanao del Norte

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IN PHOTOS: Freshmen Orientation 2019 Day 1

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IN PHOTOS: The University Press Director, Dr. Lucerne Razalo brief the visitors about the basic processes of IM production

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IN PHOTOS: Agusan Del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology (ASSCAT) benchmarking activity

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